Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Shambling Beast

There's several things I have in the works, but instead of doing them I've done this instead.
It's a race for the Crimson Dragon Slayer RPG, a game that I have recently fallen in love with.

Shambling Beast
No one is sure where these creatures come from, not least the Shambling Beast itself as their memory is limited. Shambling Beasts come in a variety of different flavours with the traditional being Swamp, however several more exist. They are large, misunderstood and shunned by normal folk, not least for the terrible smell.

Roll 1d6
1. Meat
2. Fungus
3. Swamp
4. Vermin

5. Trash
6. Roll twice and combine.

You are a disgusting pile of raw animated meat. You probably have literal sausage fingers. It's probably best to stay out the sunlight and keep away from fires and hungry dogs.

+4 to Strength,  -2 to Charisma, +1 to constitution. Racial Hit Points: 4

You are a mushroom man, you are constructed out of many fungi both edible and poisonous. You love it when it's damp and over cast but get upset when pixies attempt to make homes out of your nuts.
+2 to Strength. Racial Hit Points: 3

You know the deal.
+4 to Strength, +2 Dexterity. Racial Hit Points: 4

Rats! Mice! Weasels! Cockroaches! Pigeons! You are made of these things, a writhing furry feathery mass of Mother Natures most reviled beasts (apart from the Itchy Stink Frog, people hate those things). On the plus side, when attempting to control other such creatures you do get an extra d6, so it's not all bad.
+4 to Strength, -2 to Charisma. Racial Hit Points: 6

You are made from the discarded detritus of others which one day, for some reason, gathered itself together and gained sentience. Nice.
+2 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, -2 to Charisma. Racial Hit Points: 6

If (K'tulu help you) you are combination of two of these things go with the CDS rules.
Every attribute bonus and penalty counts.
Both good and bad parts of each race stand.
Racial Hit points must be averaged.

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